Foolproof Research Methods for Identifying Your Customer’s Needs

When was the last time you looked at your site’s copy from the perspective of your customers? If it’s been a while, your website might need some love. But before writing a word of website or landing page copy, there is something very important you want to do to make those words count.  Ask probing […]
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6 Ways to Improve Your Pricing Pages

Each day, buyers make over 428 essential business purchases. As these people evaluate companies, pricing pages create an opportunity to optimize them to get them to buy. Yet, for many sites, there isn’t enough attention paid to this valuable piece of real estate. Visitors must have clear signals guiding them toward meaningful offers on these pricing […]
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Better offer optimization starts by fixing the sales and marketing gap

It’s been long said that there’s a disconnect between sales and marketing teams. Some might even call it a deep chasm. There’s a common belief that if these two groups are in the same building, they’ll suddenly be in alignment. But this usually isn’t the case. And this disconnect leads to weaker messaging and offer positioning […]
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Optimize your website copy to convert readers below the fold

It’s all about what’s above the fold, right? According to many studies, that’s what most website visitors care about. But what about the 20% of people who make it to the bottom of your page? Giving love to and optimizing your web content below the fold will give you more chances to convert the people who […]
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How to eliminate customer friction in your offers

What exactly defines customer friction online? Well, it’s pop-ups interrupting a reader’s flow, website features that frustrate, and confusing or misleading text. This friction prevents your customers from doing what they need to do to convert on your site. But one thing that doesn’t get much attention is the customer friction points that appear when […]
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Start with Voice of Customer data to communicate your value as a manufacturer

Manufacturers continue to struggle with communicating value-added products to customers. There are a few reasons behind this, with poor data collection being one of them. This problem is notorious for leading businesses astray because insufficient data gives you a false sense of your customer’s needs. Not only is it harder to sell to your customers, but it […]
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Are your product offers as innovative as you think?

It’s tempting to call yourself a leader in product innovation. And when your products align with your core competencies, it makes sense to shout it from the rooftops. But getting there means understanding what you’re selling and the audience coming to buy it. The danger of calling your business a product leader is that you […]
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