Foolproof Research Methods for Identifying Your Customer’s Needs

When was the last time you looked at your site’s copy from the perspective of your customers? If it’s been a while, your website might need some love. But before writing a word of website or landing page copy, there is something very important you want to do to make those words count.  Ask probing […]
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Why Ecommerce Visitors Bounce From Sites (and How to Stop It)

You don’t need to understand what makes people stay on your B2B ecommerce site or why they leave if you have a lot of traffic coming through. Eventually, you’ll turn a few of those visitors into buyers. It’s a waste of time and resources to parse out the problems leading to high exit rates and […]
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6 Underused Tips to Make Your Thought Leadership Content Better

Thought leadership articles are among the strongest tools to include in your content strategy as a food technology marketer. They help to position your company as an expert and authority in the industry. And getting it right is a fine art. It starts by showing authenticity in every article. Let’s talk about a few ways […]
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